Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Than..............

PSALM 4:7 "Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased"
Amy Carmichael puts it so well:

"Psalms 3 and 4 were written when David fled from Absalom: and if, as some think, Psalm 4 was written at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles, the harvest and the vintage were over and the rick stores of corn and new wine were at Absalom's disposal, while David had nothing or very little. It was in every way a hard time for David and it was not surprising that many said there was "no help for him in God" and "Who will show us any good?" We all know times of trial when the voices within and without talk like that. But David's faith breaks through and he can honestly say, Thou has put gladness in my heart more than when corn and wine increased. It is not difficult to have gladness in our hearts when we have what we WANT----------corn and wine may stand for whatever we most enjoy doing or possessing--------but God asks for something far more than this. He wants what David offered Him when he wrote those words...."MORE THAN" "

Oh to realize the True Joy of Life is not found in earthly possesions, people, things, entertainment, or in just saying with our lips "I Love Jesus". But it is in living out HIS LOVE everyday in our trust and committment to Him. Help me Lord to walk after the Spirit and not the Flesh.

About Me

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I was an only child born into a preachers home. My Father passed away in 1990 and my Mother joined him in 2009. What dear wonderful parents I had. I am married to my best friend, Keith. Church and music have both been a big part of my life. I enjoy playing the piano and organ. I am a tax accountant and also bookkeeper for our businesses. God has blessed me with a wonderful Father and Mother-in-law. My husband has one sister Laura, who has become the sister I never had. Her husband Curt and two wonderful daughters add so much joy to our lives. Most of all I am follower of Christ. His Life is the great example of how I want to live. My prayer is others will be drawn to Him by what they see in me.